Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chapter Two blog post

To begin, a fantastic start on your Act 1 blogs: some great content, concepts, ideas and themes raised from the first Act. As well, some excellent banter and conversations among the blogs.

  • Please use the Act One blog instructions to complete the requirements for the blog.
  • You will complete your own post for Act (content and themes and about 250 words), comment on other blogs and comment on comments left on your own blog. 
  • Use the "Things to Consider for Act 2" to help formulate your responses.
  • Remember to stay in character.
Things to Consider for Act 2
(again, remember that you do not need to answer these questions, but you may want to consider them for your response paragraph and/or comments on other blogs)

1. How does the Prologue add suspense to the plot?
2. Explain the light/day/night/dark motif in this scene.
3. Explain the “Juliet is the sun” metaphor.
4. Explain the Name/Rose metaphor.
  5. What foreshadowing is in Friar Lawrence’s speech about herbs and flowers?
12. Give examples of “young, romantic love.”
13. Give two examples of foreshadowing.
14. How is the Friar in contrast to all other characters in the play? How does he change
to be just like all the other characters? (the answer to the second question is not in the
scene, but try to predict)

6. How does Friar Lawrence distinguish Rosaline’s response to Romeo as different than
Juliet’s response?
7. Why does the friar agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?
8. How is the friar an unknowing servant of fate?
9. Explain the possible significance of Mercutio’s reference to Thisbe.
10. Both Mercutio and Juliet believe that they know the “real” Romeo? How are their
perceptions of Romeo different?
11. What is Romeo’s conflict in regards to Question 10?

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