Monday, November 28, 2011

Act Five: Final Blog Post

For your final blog post, you will need to do complete two tasks.

For your second blog, I want you to consider what your character would find: AWESOME.
Have a look at: This will give you some ideas for what you would like to write about and the style on which you could write it; but remember to stay within the perspective of your character.  

As well, remember to comment on the other character’s posts.

TASK #2: a "self" reflection (remember to stay in character): who were you? what role did you play? what is important about your character/role? How would the play be different without you in it?
In order to assess your character consider: what your character said; what they did; and what other'said did to them.

Please also include two quotes in your post (use the above things to consider) and explain their significance
Lastly, make sure that you have all the components addressed in the Act 1 character blog post (there was some choice, but some that have to be done): 

Everyone's should include all of the following:
  • At least five posts written from the perspective of your character at the end of each act. These posts should be at least 250 words each. Each post must reflect content and themes of the act that was just read. Use the prompts in the the main blog with your blog posts
  • At least one post must have a related image within it.
  • A sidebar that includes at least three links grouped around a theme of interest to your character
  • A header with a title that matches your character and blog content, with a quotation related to your character from the novel as a subtitle.
  • A photo of your character (as you imagine him or her) on the sidebar with a brief description of your character (role in life, relationships, goals, location, etc.

    Have fun!
Everyone’s blog MUST have ONE of the following:

• A link to a video or an embedded video
• A survey for viewers
• An additional set of links grouped around another theme
• Photo slideshow
• graphic and quotation

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